
Legal rights: PODD© is a registered trademark of ©2014 Gayle Porter.
Using and training PODD:

Rules for the use of and teaching PODD:

  • Purchased resources may be used in own institution, and the templates can be used and edited to produce PODD communication books for users of the institution.
  • In order to provide PODD courses, the trainer must be certified by Gayle Porter. Further information on the conditions and the certification process can be obtained from Gayle Porter.
Obtaining PODD:

Obtaining PODD (in USA/Canada):

Assistiveware - SimPODD

PODD printed books can be created and electronic file page sets used in sim PODD. The app allows both printing and electronic use from an iPad. These files use the SymbolStix symbol images. SimPODD construction files can be found on the website at

Jabbla Technology - this requires the MIND EXPRESS

PODD electronic files can be used within the MIND EXPRESS app. The symbols used on these page sets are the PCS symbols. Users must obtain MindExpress in order to open these pagesets. The PODD QuickStart Guide can be found at
The Jabbla PODD Manual can be found at

Smartbox Assistive Technology - this requires the GRID + PODD

PODD electronic files can be used within the GRID. The symbols used on these page sets are the PCS Symbols. Users must obtain GRID in order to open these pagesets.  Information on editing PODD in Grid can be found at the Smartbox website.

Information on GRID compatible PODD pages

Tobii Dynavox - PODD Boardmaker Direct Access Templates & TD Snap PODD Page Sets

PODD developer:

Gayle Porter is a Speech Pathologist with more than 30 years hands-on experience working with people who have complex communication needs. Gayle works at CPEC (Cerebral Palsy Education Centre) in Melbourne, Australia.

She has developed the Pragmatic Organisation Dynamic Display (PODD) communication books and page sets for speech generating devices.